The purpose of the Game-Based Learning Project is to utilize the learning properties of games to enhance comprehension and motivate participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields such as Computer Science. There are various underrepresented populations within STEM such as females. The lack of participation is not due to lack of skill but rather interest levels and content presentation. To effectively engage these groups, it is necessary to design interventions specifically catered to their preferences and needs. To accomplish this goal, we developed a list of necessary requirements, implemented them within a game, and then tested that game with our target audience.
Currently, the project has shifted focus from implementing requirements in a 2D game, to developing a 3D GBL Experience. Building upon the initial project, a new game is being collaboratively designed with input from multiple stakeholders. The goal of the project is to create an immersive experience which utilizes aspects of social interaction in education.

Learning variables

Learning lists and arrays